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Do You Need To Prime Before Painting?

If you are painting over paint the short answer is; you do not need to prime. Paint will typically bond to paint.

When deciding whether to use a primer before painting, it’s important to consider the type of surface you’re working with. If the surface is raw, the need for primer will depend on the paint being used. Some paints already contain a priming component, eliminating the need for a separate primer.

For example, if you’re painting a new house with raw drywall, it is recommended to use a primer. This is because primer is much easier to sand smooth which is a necessary step after the 1st coat. On the other hand, if you’re painting raw exterior wood trim, using a premium paint that already includes a built-in primer will be more than sufficient. So, do you need to prime before painting? It all depends on the specific circumstances and materials involved.

Priming has two main functions:

Bonding or Sealing

When it comes to painting, the use of the right primer is crucial. It serves two main purposes – to create a strong bond between the paint and the surface, and/or to prevent any bleeding from underneath that could affect the final result.


When it comes to painting, bonding primers act as the adhesive that ensures your paint sticks securely to the surface. However, there is no universal solution for priming. It’s crucial to select a primer that meets the specific requirements of the surface you plan to paint. Fortunately, there are excellent options available like the “Sherwin-Williams Extreme Bond Primer” that provides strong adhesion to various surfaces, even exceptionally smooth ones.


When it comes to sealing surfaces, the choice of primer will depend entirely on what needs to be sealed. There are a variety of different primers available for specific substances, such as water stains, glue (wallpaper), smoke/nicotine stains, and oily surfaces. To address these specific conditions, you can choose from a variety of primers like latex-based, oil-based, and shellac-based primers among others.

If you’re unsure, it’s always advisable to use primer before painting. It’s important to note that all paint stores can customize the color of your primer, so you can choose any hue you desire. This also means that using primer as one of your coats may eliminate the need for additional layers. So, if you’re wondering whether you need to prime before painting, using primer is a wise choice.


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